Our Community of Activators
Communities are complex. Community building is hard! I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to do this community activation work alone. So what can we do?
Let’s help each other by being thought partners! Together, we can figure out and find solutions to the toughest and most challenging issues in our efforts to activate communities.
Who are we?
The people in our Community of Activators are: community stewards, community managers, community engagers, and allies. We come from the non-profit, private, and governmental sectors. Some of us have been doing this community stuff for a while now, and some of us are just starting to think about how to integrate community into our work. We strongly support social justice, equity, and environmental health.
We believe that communities should be empowered, and we want to do something about it.
Stay connected
Sign up below so we can stay connected through connection calls, a newsletter, and special events and programming.